Discover the Secret Ingredient to Unlock Inspiration, Creativity, and Answers…on Demand

Sometimes, it can feel like a curse.

You’re one of us — a leader, a creative, a visionary, a woman of impact — so you understand.

While other people blissfully coast along in life, you’re always just a little bit…unsettled.

Your next big idea is constantly percolating. Even when you’re “relaxing,” your mind’s working on a challenge… turning it over and over like a mental Rubix cube, until — AHA! — you finally solve it.

Your dreams and passions won’t stay quiet.

If you’re “too busy” to take action, they nag at you. Whisper in your ear. Keep you up at night. Demand to be solved, to be championed, to be launched into the world.

You simply can’t play small in life.

But, as uncomfortable as it can feel to live life on this level, you wouldn’t want it any other way. Because you know:

This exquisite unrest is what makes you feel most alive.

You’d never want to give up…

The chills that run through your body when inspiration strikes.

The exhilaration of getting lost in a creative flow state — like time’s standing still.

The deep satisfaction of knowing, in your bones, that you’re following your dream and living your purpose.


And once you’ve felt them, you crave them. You chase them — because they’re as elusive as they are exquisite.

When you’ve got a big challenge to solve, a problem to face, or an opportunity to pursue, you try everything in your power to summon those feelings of inspiration, flow, and certainty. But too often, you find yourself instead:

Staring at a blinking cursor for hours, willing a creative idea to come — and feeling hopelessly blocked.

Agonizing over a strategic decision with lists and spreadsheets, then second-guessing the direction you choose.

Pushing yourself to the point of burnout in order to get a breakthrough.

Procrastinating your dream altogether because you just can’t “figure out” how to take the first step.


Women who are called to live life on an extraordinary level
don’t solve problems in ordinary ways.

So if you’re feeling like…

A dream is stirring inside of me but I’m overwhelmed and terrified to take action.

No amount of “brainstorming” is solving this problem. I need a perspective shift.

I feel isolated and disconnected. I’m craving support and friendship.

Professionally, personally, creatively — I’m just plain burned out.

My spark is missing. I wish I felt more alive.

It’s not your fault.

Traditional approaches aren’t enough for big thinkers like you.

The world has robbed you of the essential ingredient to tap into inspiration, on demand.

Believe it or not, you used to have unlimited access to inspiration…

When you were a child — before you could even write or speak — you lived in wonder, learning with all your senses. Every new discovery was a revelation. No idea was foolish, off-limits, or impossible.

Then, as you grew, you were told “that’s not the way we do things,” and “that’ll never work.” And now that you’re an adult, you’re expected to brainstorm within boundaries and follow “best practices.”


But that’s all about to change.

I understand you. Because I’m just like you.


I’m Kristen Kolakowski, curator of wonder and transformation.

Over the past 15+ years, I’ve helped thousands of leaders and creatives like you create change through my work as a leadership trainer, professional facilitator, and executive coach. I’ve helped Fortune 100, non-profit, academic and federal government organizations achieve meaningful results by transforming the way they think, lead and collaborate.

I’ve always been incredibly proud of my clients’ hard work — and their hard-won results.

But within the community of leaders, creatives, visionaries, and big thinkers I was fortunate to be a part of, I’d started to notice something curious…

The word “burnout” kept coming up again and again.

These were people deeply committed to pursuing growth, innovation, and transformation — working hard for their answers — but often ended up feeling overwhelmed and spent.

Frankly, I was drained myself!

Even in the fanciest conference room, there’s only so much you can do to engage the senses when you’re breathing in stale air inside four beige walls.

One day, I was sitting in my home office, feeling unsettled and off-track. There was an inner-stirring telling me I needed to feel more alive in the work I was doing, and to bring more life to the process I was guiding my clients through. I thought...


As I wrestled with this, my eyes drifted to the decor on the wall. Recently, I’d created this whimsical display of objects I’d collected throughout my travels… a curated collection of stunning photos, intriguing objects, and inspiring snippets of text. As I took in this tableau, something inside me woke up.

The words “Cabinet of Curiosities” popped into my head, as if someone else had whispered it in my ear.

I knew I had seen that phrase somewhere…but where? And what exactly did it mean?


 I Felt a Strange Calling to Investigate…

My first discovery was that Cabinets of Curiosity, also called Wonder Rooms, had a rich and fascinating history with roots in the Renaissance. In those rooms, the world’s great thinkers, scientists, artists, and even the likes of Leonardo da Vinci gathered to nurture their…





New perspectives






And, most of all:

The exact qualities I yearned to help others cultivate!

Down the rabbit hole I went… Researching the Renaissance Wonder Rooms gave me an entirely new way of seeing what was possible in an experience of personal development.

The more I learned about Wonder Rooms, the more I discovered how this awe-inspiring 500-year old tradition is proven to help people get creative, clear, and connected on what matters most.


Suddenly, it made perfect sense why I felt I was missing something for so many years as a teacher, a trainer, and a coach. This was why I was drained…



On fire with inspiration, I set out to develop a process that would change lives and make an impact — personally and professionally — in the way we lead, work and live.

I did a deep dive into the science of wonder. Every scholarly article, every paper, every video, every book I could find confirmed that this deep state of curiosity, creativity, and amazement is inextricably linked to profound insights.

(After all, wonder was a key ingredient of Renaissance — THE most significant rebirth of arts, science, politics, and culture in human history — so just imagine what it can do for us today!)


I built in science-backed strategies to get results.

I combined my coaching expertise, curiosity, and curation skills to produce an awe-inspiring outdoor Wonder Room, set against the backdrop of a stunning Santa Barbara sky.

Most recently, I gathered a small group of women together to guide them through an exploration of their Wonder Room and a series of insight-provoking exercises. What happened next blew away my biggest expectations.

I knew from previous Wonder Room Experiences that this retreat would be transformational for each attendee, but I was stunned at how, together, these high-impact women amplified one another’s experience exponentially.


Together, they:

Smashed through their limiting thoughts

Unlocked fresh insights — for themselves, and each other

Unearthed powerful and surprising discoveries

Made amazing breakthroughs

Felt closer, more connected as a group, and lighter

Arrived at solutions, with clear steps for their path forward and courage to take action, and

Felt supported by one another through the journey ahead.

It was true!


It can all be accessed — on demand — by adding wonder.

I’d created an unparalleled process to help women wake up to the wonder that had always been inside of them.

I call it The WakeUp.Wonder.Women. Retreat. And you’re invited…


In this unforgettable, two-day immersive experience, you’ll step into an enchanting outdoor Wonder Room and wake up to the dreams you’ve put aside.

You’ll explore awe-inspiring objects, sample sumptuous foods, and unlock deep insights — all while connecting with amazing women leaders like you at a stunning Santa Barbara estate.

If you’ve been yearning for a way to get “unstuck” and transform your life, the WakeUp.Wonder.Women. Retreat is a unique and awe-inspiring way to:

Awaken your dreams and take bold, decisive action.

Shift your perspective in surprising ways and unlock unexpected solutions.

Connect with like-minded women leaders and creatives who make you feel seen, supported, motivated, and inspired.

Escape your day-to-day, unplug, and take well-deserved time to give back to yourself (Think: retreat meets spa weekend!).

Enjoy an adventure as constructive as it is luxurious, and make the most impactful transformation in the shortest amount of time.

Leave your ordinary world (with its lonely, stifled brainstorming sessions) behind and unite with extraordinary women like you.

You’ll support, share and delight in every "aha!″ together, amplifying each other’s breakthroughs and momentum in ways you never dreamed possible…

 Here’s what you can expect when you join us for the


Day 1: Curious Objects, Unexpected Insights


The moment you arrive, we’ll welcome you into an enchanting, luxe, outdoor Santa Barbara space. This is no ordinary retreat in a windowless seminar room. Here, we’ve replaced the walls with wonder. ✨

You’ll be greeted by your guide (that’s me, Kristen!) and in a relaxed, intimate setting, you’ll have a chance to meet your fellow female travelers. Over a cup of tea and a delicious treat, you’ll find out who you all are, what brought you here, and what’s in your heart and on your mind.


As our afternoon begins, we’ll give you space and time to reconnect with your personal sense of wonder through a WonderWalk. Don’t worry — we’ll give you detailed instructions to ensure you experience wonder right away as you explore the gorgeous estate grounds and gardens.

I felt like I was transported to a Spanish villa! It wasn't an environment where you’d expect to have a retreat or workshop. It breaks you from your normal patterns of thought so you give yourself fully to the experience.

-Kashay Sanders, Talent Development Manager, Cloud AI, Microsoft



We’ll lead you through short, powerful exercises in small groups to help you get clarity on your most pressing challenge or promising opportunity. Unencumbered by the expectations of the outside world, you may be surprised how quickly you’ll connect more deeply with what’s inside of you, what’s close to your heart and in your mind.

Next, through eye-opening individual and small group exercises, you’ll come up with a question that connects with your dream or challenge.

Bringing your newly crafted question along, we’ll guide you through a silent exploration of your bespoke Wonder Room, filled with hundreds of vintage objects from around the world. No one will have seen this collection before, and no one will see it after.

At the end of your awe-inspiring expedition, you’ll choose one object — or will it choose you? — to explore and get new insight with.

“Before, I’d unsuccessfully tried to solo-think my way into a solution. I was amazed and deeply moved by how a creative shift in focus, through exploring and discussing my object, brought out the insight I’d been grasping for.”

-Pam Slim, award-winning speaker and author of Escape from Cubicle Nation



We’ll guide you through a series of exercises involving your object — individually and in small groups. As the insights begin to bubble forth and appear, you’ll feel your heart open and your ‘ahas’ and ‘wows’ ignited. Your connections with other women will deepen as you feel seen and heard, and you give that back in return.

“Kristen has created a magical process for women to quickly and seamlessly connect/reconnect to what is meaningful in their lives. I felt we were deeply communing with one another, though we were strangers.”

-Dale Schwarz, M. Ed., coauthor, Facilitative Coaching: A Toolkit for Expanding Your Repertoire and Achieving Lasting Results



As the day turns to dusk, you and your new friends will meander through the trees to a gorgeous outdoor dinner scene under magical, twinkling lights and the gorgeous Santa Barbara night sky. Our day’s “work” is done, but the wonder continues. There, you’ll continue your connections, conversations, and relaxation over a sumptuous meal and incredible locally-sourced wine.


We know the best conversations last into the evening. So grab a warm blanket and a comfy chair by the fire, and stay awhile! Then it’s off to slumber and rest up for another wonder-filled day.

Time seemed to disappear. A beautiful setting, special and delicious food, a safe and creative space to develop my thoughts and ideas in a way that I had not imagined. The feedback provided by the other ladies is still overwhelming to me — the way that they could so quickly and easily provide valuable insight into my future dreams. If you’re open to possibilities, this retreat is a must.

-Allison Cote | V.P. of Sales | Maysoft, Inc


Day 2: Turn Insight Into Action


After a restful night of sleep, we’ll reconvene in our gorgeous outdoor space over locally-roasted coffee and delicious breakfast bites. You’ll be amazed to discover how the morning light brings newfound clarity on your question, your object, your answers, and your connections.


Today’s Wonder Room is all about you, as a unique group of impactful women. You’re invited to explore your chosen objects once again, now assembled into a collective Cabinet of Curiosities. Together, your objects mean something that they don’t alone. What does your Cabinet have to teach you – individually and collectively?


We’ll guide you through new group and individual exercises to draw out these lessons and bring your personal solution into focus.

“What a surprisingly innovative method to get our brain’s machinery unstuck and on track to constructively solve problems.”

-VP, Research & Development



Now we cast our gaze forward and ask ourselves…

What do my revelations mean for what comes next?

How might I design my work and life to support what I’ve discovered — what really matters to me?

What specific actions will I take — and how can we, as women, support one another to follow through?

We’ll return to your object in a surprising, fresh way, yielding insights and clarity. How will you align your dream/vision with your next steps? Expect some surprising twists as you focus on how to turn the profound insight of Wonder Room experience into action in your daily life.


We'll guide you through a time of reflection and gratitude, wrapping up the experience just as we began — a circle of women, sharing dreams, laughter, and meaningful stories, in the same spirit of connection and discovery that brought us together.


You’ll leave with fresh insight, warm connections, and concrete, inspired next steps to take action and make the change you seek. What’s more, you’ll have learned a process that you can replicate over and over on your own — anytime you need to solve a problem, embark on a creative project, make a decision, or pursue an opportunity.

Plus you’ll get a “WOW” surprise that will keep on giving long after the retreat is over.

And this isn’t the end of your journey. In fact, it’s just the beginning — and you’ve got an amazing new support system to cheer you on every step of the way.

“The WakeUp.Wonder.Women. Retreat was a transformational blessing — a luxurious treat for all the senses, a guided journey of deep introspection, and a time of inspired connection with powerful, wise women. I left feeling rejuvenated, grounded, and centered. Long after the retreat, I found myself looking at the world and my situation in it with a newfound sense of wonder, openness, and opportunity.”

-Melissa Sandoz, Senior Scientist, Environmental Toxicology

 What’s Staying “Stuck” Really Costing You?

If you’ve been…

ignoring what makes you come most alive

worrying it’s not the right time to start something new

telling yourself you’ll pursue your dream “when life calms down”

putting off a big decision or change because you can’t figure it out

afraid you’re not living life on the level you’ve been called to


… You know you can’t keep going like this. It’s more than just the frustration nagging at you. Staying “stuck” is costing you:

Money — In the form of lost business opportunities, work promotions, and never-launched creative endeavors.

Time — Every day that goes by is another day you’re not achieving your dream.

Satisfaction — You’re missing out on the inspiration, clarity, and creative flow you crave.

Potential — You know you’re not making the impact you were born to make.

And most of all:

Your ability to do what you love and feel truly alive.



It’s WakeUp.Wonder.Women.

Imagine how incredible it will feel to wake up each day, feeling confident and excited to tackle any challenge or pursue any opportunity.

Imagine what it will mean — for your work, your dreams, and your personal happiness — to have a stress-free, and wonder-filled process to tap into inspiration, focus, creativity, and answers any time you want.

Imagine what an extraordinary woman like you will do in this world when you learn how to harness the power of wonder.

 Will You Answer the Call to Be Extraordinary… and Join Us?

If you’re ready to wake up to life on an entirely new level, we’d be honored to be your trusted guide. Here’s how to get started in 3 simple steps:

  1. We get clarity on your challenge.
    Jump on a free 15-minute discovery call with us. We’ll help you get clarity on your challenge and answer any questions you may have about the Retreat process. Even if you decide not to join us, the call itself will be extremely valuable.

  2. We curate your experience.
    To ensure the ideal environment for personal growth and transformation, we carefully curate the guest list for each retreat, so our first step is to match you with the perfect group of women for your journey. Then, we get to work custom-designing a Wonder Room Experience like no other. From intriguing, hand-selected objects from around the world, to delicious, locally-sourced food and wine, no detail is overlooked and no two experiences are the same.

  3. You unlock your breakthrough.
    Just bring your curiosity! We’ll guide you through an immersive, enchanting experience that will solve your pressing challenge, reignite your motivation, and provide you with all the tools and support you need to turn your insights into action.

See you in Santa Barbara!



  • It’s as simple as clicking here to indicate your interest. We curate the guest list for each retreat, so we’ll connect with you for a brief discovery call to make sure we fit you into the right group. Then, once we match you with a date, we’ll send you a registration link to hold your spot with a deposit.

  • If you’ve read this far, you most likely are! In fact, it’s common for extraordinary women like you to wrestle with Impostor Syndrome — the tendency to doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud. On the WakeUp.Wonder.Women retreat, these are exactly the type of limiting beliefs that you’ll smash through using the power of wonder. At the end of our time together, you’ll have the confidence and the tools to unleash your deepest potential. So yes — you belong here with us!

  • Absolutely! We take great care to arrange groups of amazing women like you who are driven, smart, creative, and kind. We’ve had many women tell us they arrived at their WWW Retreat not knowing a soul, and were astonished at how quickly they felt connected and supported by their fellow Wonder Women. Most attendees decide to keep in touch long after their Retreat is over.

  • If it matters to you - really matters - you’re in good company, and will get amazing value from the retreat. The particulars don’t matter - in fact, part of what makes WakeUp.Wonder.Women so valuable is the diversity of the challenges that women bring to it. That makes it easier for you to have the distance you need to offer really helpful insight to each other. But the fact that you’re stuck on something you really care about? That’s where we all bond.

  • Lodging is not included in the cost of the retreat. We provide a short list of recommended boutique hotels and B&Bs (all beautiful and comfortable), but you’re welcome to stay anywhere you like.

  • We’ve got you covered (literally, if necessary!). The first protection offer is Santa Barbara’s dreamy microclimate. During the months we hold WakeUp.Wonder.Women, it almost never rains. Oh, and it’s never too hot or too cold. But beyond that, we only use venues that offer spaces and devices to keep us warm and dry in the event of even a light shower.

  • Concerned about COVID-19? We are, too. We have taken precautions to ensure your safety:

    • The entire retreat is held outside.

    • For now, no retreat will exceed 40 participants.

    • All retreat activities allow you to maintain social distance as you prefer.

  • Your fee will be refunded — less a $250 processing fee — for cancellations received in writing via e-mail or mail, 45 days in advance of the first day of the retreat. No refund is available for cancellations communicated less than fourteen days in advance.

    Cancellations received in the intervening period are eligible for 50% refunds.

    For a one-time transfer of fees, however, payments can be applied towards any of the three immediately following WakeUp.Wonder.Women retreats, subject to a $100 transfer fee, if space remains and such notice is received. No refund is available after a payment has been transferred and applied to a new retreat.

  • We’re confident you’ll be delighted with your retreat experience, but if you’re not for any reason, we will refund your registration fee.

  • Book a quick discovery call — we’re excited to answer any question you may have.